

23th Annual Meeting of the Association of Portuguese and Spanish Lexified Creoles

Call for papers

The annual meeting of the Association of Portuguese and Spanish Lexically-Based Creoles (ACBLPE) will be held on 9-11 September 2025 in the city of Mindelo (São Vicente Island, Republic of Cape Verde), in partnership with the University of Cape Verde (UniCV), which will host the event.

We welcome proposals dealing with Portuguese- and/or Spanish-based Creoles (i.e. the main research topic of the ACBLPE) as well as with language contact involving Portuguese and/or Spanish in any part of the world. Given the environment in which the meeting will take place in 2025, we especially encourage proposals related to Ibero-Romance-based Creoles and varieties of Portuguese spoken in Africa, for example in their connection with education and language policies or with various aspects of social ecology. Accepted talks will have an estimated duration of 30 minutes (20 minutes for oral presentation plus 10 minutes for discussion).

Abstracts should be written in Portuguese, Spanish, French, English or German, with a limit of 500 words, excluding references and examples, and sent to acblpe.mindelo.2025@gmail.com, in both Word and PDF, with the format: title – summary – (examples [if too long to be inserted in the text]) – references. Do not include your name and affiliation in the abstract itself. The subject of the email should contain “Abstract ACBLPE 2025”. In the body of the email, please include the following data: author(s), academic affiliation(s), status (professor, researcher, student…), email contact(s), title of the abstract.

Important dates

  • Deadline for submitting abstracts: January 31, 2025
  • Deadline for notification of the results of the abstract evaluation: February 15, 2025

Abstract evaluation criteria

  1. Relevance and originality of the proposed topic.
  2. Argumentation (including clarity of argument and results/conclusions).
  3. Knowledge of the literature regarding the proposed topic.

Aspects to take into consideration when preparing the summary

  1. Choose a title that clearly indicates the research topic and does not exceed one line of running text.
  2. Clearly present the topic in the abstract.
  3. Make reference to previous work on the topic.
  4. When relevant to the clarity of the argument, present linguistic data (with glosses and/or translation when needed). In the case of longer examples, such as sentences, include them after the summary and before the references.
  5. Give the meaning of each abbreviation (between brackets) the first time you use it.
  6. Avoid vague or unsubstantiated claims.
  7. Indicate the contribution of the work to the field.
  8. Include references.

Mindelo (São Vicente, Cap-Vert)

The 2025 ACBLPE annual meeting will take place in the city of Mindelo, on the island of São Vicente in Cape Verde, an archipelago of significant linguistic interest, where Portuguese (the official language of the country) coexists with the Cape Verdean language, spoken by the vast majority of the population.

On September 8, 2025, a university-level course on Creole languages will be organized in cooperation with UniCV. The organizers of the meeting also intend to organize a guided tour of the neighboring island of Santo Antão the day after the meeting (September 12, 2025), so that participants may get to get acquainted with the cultural and environmental characteristics of this island, whose own linguistic variant still remains under-researched.

Organization committee

  • Isabelle Alanièce (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – Paris)
  • Ronny Beckert (Universität Heidelberg)
  • Miguel Gutiérrez Maté (Universität Augsburg)
  • Nicolas Quint (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – Paris)
  • Magali Sansonetti (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – Paris)
  • Dominika Swolkien (Universidade de Cabo Verde)
  • Karina Tavares-Moreira (Universidade de Cabo Verde)
  • Eliane Vieira-Semedo (Universidade de Cabo Verde)

Scientific committee

  • Nélia Alexandre (Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Marlyse Baptista (University of Pennsyvania)
  • Noël Bernard Biagui (CLAD – Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar)
  • Ana Paulla Braga Mattos (Aarhus University)
  • Hugo Cardoso (Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Susana Castillo Rodríguez (SUNY – State University of New York College - Geneseo)
  • Clancy Clements (Indiana University)
  • Alexandre Cobbinah (Universidade de São Paulo)
  • Rita Gonçalves (Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Tjerk Hagemeijer (Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Miguel Gutiérrez Maté (Universität Augsburg)
  • Bart Jacobs (Uniwersytet Jagielloński - Jagiellonian University in Krakow)
  • Márcia Oliveira (Universidade de São Paulo)
  • Fernanda Pratas (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
  • Nicolas Quint (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – Paris)
  • Adrián Rodríguez Riccelli (University of Buffalo)
  • Sandro Sessarego (University of Texas at Austin)
  • Eeva Sippola (University of Helsinki)
  • Joachin Steffen (Universität Augsburg)
  • Dominika Swolkien (Universidade de Cabo Verde)
  • Karina Tavares-Moreira (Universidade de Cabo Verde)
  • Eduardo Tobar Delgado (Escuela de idiomas de Vigo)
  • Eliane Vieira-Semedo (Universidade de Cabo Verde)
  • Kofi Yakpo (The University of Hong Kong)